

I am a graphic designer. I work more in the area of ideas development and creation and I enjoy it a lot. I really enjoy working on advertising and I have wanted to be in design and advertising since about the age of 14 or 15.
In high school I studied the normal subjects of  Maths, English, Science and a compulsary Religious Education half GCSE. For my own options I chose Applied ICT and Art. I passed Maths with an A, English Language with a B, English Literature with a C and Science with a double C. ICT I did less well on however because i got complacent as I already knew what they were teaching me and slacked from my work. My initial works into art at school were failed because they focussed on practical skill and aesthetics of the artwork as opposed to the concept behind it, which essentially is the art. I failed Art with only an E grade but that did not stop me from wanting to become a creative, as I still had always loved advertising and layout design.
Because of this I enrolled myself on a BTEC national diploma graphic design course at Blackburn College against the will of my parents and studied that for 2 years. I came away from that with what is personally a disappointing grade of MPP (Merit Pass Pass), despite getting distinctions in my advertising work and merits with my layout work. I didnt do so well grade wise because I was lazy and was also stuck in a mental block because of so many years of education weighing on my mind in a row. At that point I decided not to go to university but instead to take a year working full-time, again very much against the will of my parents who were severely disappointed.
After a year of horrid work at a dead end job I applied and got on to a BA(hons) Graphic Communication course at Blackburn University Centre. I am currently studying this course now and am loving it and working hard and doing well. My grades for the first semester of year one (the only grades i have recieved so far) reflect this. In the first 3 modules I have recieved two 1sts and a 2i grade, which I am still not fully satisfied with and am still striving to be the best.
My main skills when it comes to design are ideas creating, layout design and concept development.