
Wednesday 11 May 2011

Ideas and Communication - Further work

Ok, so me and Jennifer Conroy have done more collaboration work recently. Lots in fact.
The first of these projects is a campaign against battery farming of chickens called "Fowl Play." We had to use word play and homophones for this project. For this we created an ambient campaign within an elevator to enclose people in the gritty feeling, couped up situation and then give them the call to action, and we also created a guerilla campaign to put stickers with facts and a call to action onto unethically farmed products. The call to action led to a mock website we created to find out more information.

The second is a brand extension for Marks & Spencer using the acronym of the company. For this we created a new maternity underwear range to give better support: "Maternity & Support," a new M&S banking service: "Money & Savings," and a new chain of M&S bars much like the restaurants they currently have: "Meeting & Socialising."

The third one is a brand extension for the clothing company "Warehouse" which we had to use wordplay. we use common phrases to extend the brand using the name of the company including "Underwarehouse," "Warehouse to house" and "Warehouse of cards."
Underwarehouse was an ambient campaign to use mirrors and mock underwear to allow women to "try on" the underwear before buying, because law restricts you from physically trying them on in stores.
"Warehouse to house" was emblazoned on the side of a lorry to advertise the new home delivery service. "Warehouse of cards" was used to introduce a new range of cards to warehouse including a credit card, loyalty card and a gift card.

Design for Production and Print: Do you like music? reviews

For our design for production and print module we had to create a booklet of some kind based on anything we liked. As some people may know, me and a classmate Thomas Eccles made an album reviews blog, which can be found here.
I decided to use this as the body copy for a "Do You Like Music? Reviews" alternative music album reviews booklet. I designed the pages in a stylised, grungey way and mocked up the booklet.

Time Based Media

For my module Time Based Media, we were given the task of creating 3 short videos.

The first of which is a stage set in motion 4 which uses various flat textures to build a 3d stage and also uses chroma-key footage as well.

For this one I built a house out of flat textures, added some dark lighting to show it being night time outside the house and created a small house party inside.

The second of which is animated typography which we had to create a video making the type animated based around that word.

For this I did 4 words and managed to merge them all into one flowing video to the tune of spanish flea.

The final of the 3 was to create a 5 second film and try to narate some kind of short story or concept within those 5 seconds.

The idea behind mine was to have someone playing a scary video game who then gets frightened when someone bursts into the room behind them. I added in the wilhelm scream for the comic editor's effect.