
Friday 26 November 2010

First Blog

Well, not only is this my first use of a blog site but it's my first blog on here. I am using this as a basic online presence for my work in design. I am also going to set up another one for my various musical exploits as well. My first blog is going to start off with this week's major inspiration for me, and it comes in form of a song.
Devin Townsend - Terminal

I think this song is so amazing, and incredibly beautiful. I've had a bad couple of weeks recently with a few things that have happened, and listening to this man has really cheered me up. This song in particular has really touched me. I strongly recommend anybody who reads this listens to that song.

The other day I went to a park for the first time in quite a while and took a Nikon D60 DSLR camera. I took some photographs that i personally think are rather nice, and quite good considering i've only just began using an SLR camera and .RAW editing.

Well, that is all for this blog until i can be bothered to do another one. Ciao for now.

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